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Welcome to MY CHRISTMAS WISHLIST, the world's Christmas wishlist -- online!

Tell your family and friends what you want this Christmas! It's very simple! Here's how:

  1. Sign-in and create your wishlist. The limit is 10 wishes.
  2. Log-in, give us the e-mail address, then we'll inform your contacts about your online wishlist!
  3. That's it!!! Your friends can view your online wishlist instantly! All they need is your username!
Note: Since this is a public database of wishes, information is accessible to anyone who knows (or guesses) your username. We therefore advise you not to enter personal, confidential or sensitive data.


Concept by: 
Stephen Locariņas

Jason Lunas

Page Development: 
Jason Lunas
Stephen Locariņas

CGI Script Development: 
Stephen Locariņas
Danny Cheng

CGI Hosting:

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